By Omar Negron
If you have been building your network marketing business for some time now you have probably found out that getting sign ups to your business is not as simple as they make it seem. When I first got into my MLM company, my up line told me all I had to do was call my friends and family and the money will start rolling in. We both know it does not work like that, and you must develop skills to attract the right people to you. Most people really don't know how to market the network marketing opportunity whether it's off-line or online and don't see the crucial mistake that they made day in day out that lead to getting no recruits and no results.
Here's the first thing I can say. One way to surely get no recruits is to cold call leads who have no idea you are. I've done this before, it is probably one of the worst decisions I've made. Cold calling is honestly a waste of time, and for the most part those people probably do not want to hear your voice.
Passing out flyers was something I did, and I suggest you never do. You see I agree with drop-down cards which are cards that you place in different spots such as gas stations and bathrooms, but actually handing the flyer to someone not going to be beneficial to your business. These people are not targeted and when you hand them something they don't want, there is a great that they will end up throwing it away. It has happen to me many times in the past and I really wouldn't want to have that happen to you.
When it comes to those people close to you sure they may love you and respect you as a person, but they do not respect you business sense. You are quite frankly not making the type of money that will make them interested in what you're doing. I've noticed that with family and friends, they must see the results first and then they will follow.
So what can you do to make network marketing recruiting a bit easier? It's simple, promote yourself. Sounds pretty easy right, well it is but only by doing it the right way. Once you do, you'll be a network marketing recruiting machine. Just think you have all the skills within you already all you need is someone to help you bring them out.
The resources box below will show you in detail how to obtain the skills you need in order to expand your business.
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Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Network Marketing Recruiting - What Are You Doing Wrong?
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Joint Venture world
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Some great info here. I will be following you for more updates.
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